Friday, 29 November 2013

Got a PSX to Saturn converter!

Also known as Tototek PSX to Saturn converter. This will allow my playstation accessories, namely arcade sticks or SONY Dualshock pcbs, to work on the SEGA Saturn. There is no region limitation as far as I know and it is also lag less so that is a major plus. So far, I only have one converter and plan to get more as people sell them in the forums.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Strikers 1945 board for fanservice...

It seems Psikyo has a thing about making their game "sexier" than it has to be, thumbs up to transforming buildings/ships to robots though...

These are quite nice photos captured by Nick Zverloff at Hardcore Gaming 101, credits to you bud!

Hope no one is around when the ending rolls...

SEGA Blast City with minor issue...

I have recently procured a Blast City with a possible loss of green, it was cheap so I could not pass it up. Unfortunately it does not come with Tekken4, but I do get those plastic stools!! She looks pretty clean and I am confident that the missing green should be easy to troubleshoot.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Slogged through Hyper Anniversary CPS2 board with Champion Edition Ken.

The process was all about precision as the computer allows at most 3 mistakes before it takes you down. So its pretty much a hadouken/shoryuken affair. I think I will try Chun Li next and hope for the best. Shown is the ending for Ken...which reminds me, I need to plan my own wedding soon.