Time to initiate the project I been meaning to do for the PONY for a while, installing these bad boys. Its a pair of used ones but in working condition.
One of the lever was held into the old control panel by nuts and bolts, that is a good thing. However, the other was riveted in...BAD. I am sure there is a special place in Hell for people who decided to do this. To remove it you need to remove the head and that can be achieved in all sorts of creative way. I decided to drill and pry it off!
I finally removed the levers and they had the original mounting plates.
This panel will be their new home, I also picked up some seimitsu buttons from the same era to complete the set.
As you can see, the mounting bracket on the panel is biased for the top. So I whipped out some universal mounting plates I got from TaoBao and everything fit like a glove.
The lever sits lower because the mounting plates are flat, but it is still 100% functional and given the length of the knob, it actually feels better to play on.
Some handiwork on the wiring. I am addicted to shrink tubes I have admit, I like how it clenches to the wiring when applying heat. It is like popping bubble wrap but more dangerous.
Both levers mounted, or so I thought...But I did a switches test and everything was working. I have not tested the rotatory circuit yet but they seldom fail.
The previous LS-32 lever control panel.
The new, sexier, LS-30 lever panel, but just my luck I have to backward mount the lever for the bottom CP flap to close...dammit...but what does not kill you only makes you stronger.
I think I will connect the wiring for the levers with connector blocks just in case future mount requires the lever mounted on a 90 degrees or whatever.