A couple of months back, I wanted to increase my options to play JAMMA games. On the same thought, I also wanted to utilise more of my USB based controllers whether it was for the PlayStation 3 or the XBOX360. This product poped up and claims, it can go both ways.
First I tried my AES controller to make sure it’s working and also adjust the +5V on the Super Gun. Then I wasted no time and tested the XBOX360 controllers in the form of the wired controller and the EX-SE. Both worked beautifully, I am impressed.
You can tell the Super Gun has accepted the controller by the LED diodes which lights up once t accepted the USB controller.
Sorry Terry and Joe, you guys will be dancing for me tonight.
Next was a long shot because I chose the second funckiest controller converted I have in my arsonal: the GameCube/XBOX/PlayStation2 to USB converter...No LED, got power but no LED.